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加藤 定信 (Sadanobu KATOH)

加藤 定信 (Sadanobu KATOH)
[1]        李承珉,加藤定信,古野毅,中尾哲也,コナラとミズナラにおける種識別を目的にしたRAPDマーカーのDNA解析,森林バイオマス利用学会誌,3 (1), 43-48, 2008.
[2]        Yuko Masuda, Yasuyuki Tomikawa, Tohru Uehara, Tetsuya Nakao, Sadanobu Katoh, Kuniaki Sato, and Tsugiyuki Masunaga, Mycelial growth, yield and mineral content of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) with corona discharge-treated sesame hull substrate, 森林バイオマス利用学会誌,4(1), 1-6, 2009.
[3]        Yuko Masuda, Yasuyuki Tomikawa, Tohru Uehara, Tetsuya Nakao, Sadanobu Katoh, Kuniaki Sato, and Tsugiyuki Masunaga, Mycelial growth rate, fruiting body yield, calcium content and calcium form of Pleurotus ostreatus fruiting bodies cultivated on media enriched with sesame hulls, Mushroom Science and Biotechnology, 17(3), 117-120, 2009.
[4]        加藤定信,テルペノイドエンジニアリング,木材工業,64(1), 2-7, 2009.
[5]        Sadanobu Katoh, David Hyatt, and Rodney Croteau, Monoterpene synthase genes from hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa), TERPNET 2009, Tokyo, P-22, 2009. May 27
[6]        Sigit Sunarta, Purnama Darmadji, Sadanobu Katoh, and Tohru Uehara, Production and characterization of raw pyrolitic oil from oil palm fruitshell for wood preservation, Forest Products Journal, 61(2), 180-184, 2011.
[7]        Sigit Sunarta, Tohru Uehara, and Sadanobu Katoh, Effect of fractionated palm shell bio-oil on seed germination, Forest Products Journal, 61(4), 326-332, 2011.
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